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Каталог библиотеки

Названиесортировать по убыванию Автор Издатель Год
Survey of Tax Laws. Affecting NGO in the Newly Independent States International Center for Non-for-Profit Law 2004
Survey of Tax Laws. Affecting Non-Governmental Organizations in Central and Eastern Europe International Center for Non-for-Profit Law 2003
Surveying Clients. About Outcomes. Series on Outcome Management for Nonprofit Organizations The Urban Institute Washington D.C. 2003
Sustainable Agriculture. Economic Alternatives for Eastern Europe. Jones Ronald, Summers Martin, Mayo Ed (editors) The New Economics Foundation 1996
Sustainable Development of the Housing Finance System: The Experience of the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC) UN-HABITAT 2002
Sustainable Financing for Housing: A Contribution to Habitat II Douglas B. Diamond, Jr. and Michael J. Lea Fannie Mae, International Union of Housing Finance 1995
Sustainable Institutions for European Union Membership. Sigma Papers: No. 26 SIGMA 1998
Sustainang Partnerships into the Next Century. Cost Proposal The Urban Institute and Institute for Urban Economics Washington, D.C. 1997
SyncMaster 500b. Color Monitor. Owner's Instructions. SAMSUNG SAMSUNG 1998
SyncMaster 500p. Цветной монитор. Руководство пользователя. SAMSUNG 1995

