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Каталог библиотеки

Названиесортировать по убыванию Автор Издатель Год
Word Pefect Novell 1994
Work-Life Policies Ann C. Crouter, Alan Booth The Urban Institute Press 2009
Working Housing: Innovative Strategies and Best Practices The Urban Land Institure 2006
Working Paper. Quality of the Urban Enviroment: The Federal Role Elizabeth H. Haskell The Urban Institute 1970
Working papers: Women and philanthropy McCarthny K. D. Center for the Study of Philanthropy 1998
Workplan for the implementation of Pilot Social Srevices projects in Lori Marz 2001
World Bank - Civil Society Engagement. Review of Fiscal Years 2005 and 2006 The World Bank Washington D.C. 2006
World Bank Annual Report 1996. The World Bank 1996
World Bank Atlas 1998 Communications Development Incorporated 1998
World Cities Beyond the West: Globalization, Development and Inequality Gugler J. (editor) Cambridge University Press 2004

