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Каталог библиотеки

Названиесортировать по убыванию Автор Издатель Год
Water and Sewerage Service Unit Costs and Relative Efficiency. 2000-2001 Report Water Services 2001
Water as a Social and Economic Good: How to Put the Principle into Practice Roger Peter, Bhatia Ramesh, Huber Annette 1996
Water for Urban Areas. Challenges and Perspectives Uitto J.I., Biswas A.K. The United Nations University Press 2000
Water Rates. AWWA MANUAL M1. Fourth Edition. American Water Works Association AWWA 1991
Water Resources Management. The World Bank 1993
Water&Wastewater Utilities. Indicators 2nd Edition Yepes Guillermo, Dianderas Augusta The World Bank 1996
Water, Electricity, and the Poor. Who benefits from Utility Subsidies? Komives K., Foster V., Halpern J., Wodon K., Abdullah R. The World Bank 2005
Web-дизайн Пауэлл Т. СПб.: БХВ-Петербург 2004
Webster's New Encyclopedic Dictionary 1993
Welcome to Moscow Real Estate Market/Добро пожаловать на рынок недвижимости Москвы (англ., русск. яз.) М. 1995

