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Каталог библиотеки

Названиесортировать по убыванию Автор Издатель Год
Urban land and property markets in Sweden Kalbro Thomas, Mattsson Hans UCL Press 1995
Urban land and property markets in the Netherlands Needham D.B., Kruijt B, Koenders P. UCL Press 1993
Urban land and property markets in the UK Williams Richard H., Wood Bary UCL Press 1994
Urban Management reform in Russia, 1998-2000 Kosareva N., Struyk J. Мoscow: The Institute for Urban Economics 2000
Urban Planning and Land Control Law. Second Edition St. Paul, Minn: West Publishing Co. 1986
Urban planning fnd capital investiment financing in Hungry Open Society Institute 2000
Urban Policy Anthony Downs
Urban Policy and Economic Development. An Agenda for the 1990`s. A Word Bank Policy Paper The World Bank Washington, D.C.: The World Bank 1992
Urban Policymaking and Metropolitan Dynamics. A Comparative Geographical Analysis Adams John S. (editor) Cambridge: Ballinger Publishing Company 1976
Urban Politics, New York Style Bellush Jewel, Netzer Dick (editors) M.E. Sharpe, Inc. 1990

