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Каталог библиотеки

Названиесортировать по убыванию Автор Издатель Год
Uniform Condominium Act (1980). National conference of commissioners on Uniform State Laws USA 1980
United Nations E-Government Survey 2010 United Nations 2010
Unspoken Rules: Sexual Orientation and Women`s Human Rights ed. by Rachel Rosenbloom International Gay &Lesbian Human Rights Comission 1995
Update on Egyptian Mortgage Lending// Housing Finance International. - 2006. - December Struyk R., Brown M. 2006
Urban Change in the United States and Western Europe. Comparative Analysis and Policy Summers Anita A., Cheshire Paul C., Senn Lanfranco The UI Press 1993
Urban Consumer Theory. AREUEA Monograph Series, #2. Geoffrey K. Turnbull The UI Press 1995
Urban Decline and the Future of American Cities Bradbury Katharine L., Downs Antony, Small Kenneth A. Washington D.C.: The Brookings Institution 1982
Urban development - theory, fact and illusion J. Vernon Henderson Oxford University Press 1988
Urban Development Capacity Building. SINPA Programme. Resources for Trainers and Practitioners. CDRom Institute for Housing and Urban Development Studies Rotterdam 2004
Urban Economic Theory. Land Use and City Size Fujita M. Cambridge University Press 1989

