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Каталог библиотеки

Названиесортировать по убыванию Автор Издатель Год
Towards a New Model of Communal Service Provision. Tariff, Technical, and Institutuinal Assessments and Recomendations to Improve Cost Recovery and Financial Sustainability PADCO 1997
Towards Effective Place Brand Management Gregory Ashworth, Mihalis Kavaratzis Edward Elgar 2010
Tracking Chance in Moscow's Housing Sector J.Daniell, R.Struyk The UI 1993
Training for Condominium Association Executive Boards in Russia. Participants's Coursebook Quadel Consulting Corporation 1996
Training for Results. A Workbook for Developing and Monitoring/ CD USAID Washington, D.C. 1999
Training Manual. Working Towards Better Governance (Civil Society and Local Government) Compass 2003
Training Program for Implementing a Housing Allowance Program for the City of Moscow. Raizor 1996
Transfer to the new system of housing payment and implementation of housing compensations (subsidies) in the Russian Federation: results and challenges. Amended and revised. Diskette 3.5" Puzanov A. 1995
Transition in the Russian Housing Sector: 1991-1994. +Diskette 3.5" R.Struyk, N.Kosareva The UI 1994
Transition of the Housing Sector in the East-Central European Countries Hegedus Jozsef, Mayo Stephen K., Tosics Ivan USAID 1996

