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Каталог библиотеки

Названиесортировать по убыванию Автор Издатель Год
The Urban Growth Machine: Critical Perspectives, Two Decades Later Jonas Andrew E.G., Wilson David (edited) New York: State University of New York Press 1999
The Urban Institute Press. Complete catalog 1997- 1998 UI 1998
The Urban Institute Work Program for 1969 - 1970 The Urban Institute 1969
The Urban Institute's Moscow Program: The Privatization of Management and Maintenance Demonstration Program. Olson Angus T. The UI 1992
The Urban Institute. Policy and Research Report. Vol. 25 N3 The UI 1996
The Use of Hedonic Indices in Rent Differentiation. Theory and Practical Application. Merrill Sally R. 1995
The Use of Servitudes in Land Privatization and Urban Planning in Russia S.Butler, Sh.O'Leary The UI 1997
The USSR in Figures for 1989. Brief Statistical Handbook The State Committee of the USSR on Statistics M.: Finansy i Statistika Publishers 1990
The Valuation of Properties for Lending Purposes in the EU - [CD] The Morgage Federation 2001
The Valuation of Property for Lending Purposes in the European Union The European Mortgage Federation 2004

