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Каталог библиотеки

Названиесортировать по убыванию Автор Издатель Год
The Russian property markets 2007/ Обзор рынка недвижимости CBRE/NOBLE GIBBONS 2007
The Russian System of Land Tenature, Urban Land Allocation and Development Acosta Rodrigo, Comby Joseph, Renard Vincent 1992
The Second Regional Plan: A Draft for Discussion Regional Plan Association 1968
The Smart Growth Tool Kit + The Smart Growth Tool Kit Video. Running Time 7:45 O`Neill D.J. Washington, D.C.: Urban Land Institute 2000
The State of the Russian Cities Belkina T.D. (editor) M.: NC RP "City-Region-Household" 2002
The State of the World`s Cities 2001 HABITAT UNCHS (HABITAT) 2001
The Structure and Evolution of American Secondary Mortgage Markets, with Some Implication for Developing Markets// Housing Finance International. - 2001. - September. - pp. 16-31 Robert Van Order 2001
The Struggle for Private Land Rights in Russia Rolfes Leonard J. 1996
The Subprime Solution. How Today's Global Financial Crisis Happened, and What to Do about It. Robert J. Shiller Princeton University Press 2008
The Suburban and the Decline of Nation the American Drem Duany A, Plater-Zyberk E., Speck J. New York 2000

