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Каталог библиотеки

Названиесортировать по убыванию Автор Издатель Год
The Vicious Circle: Weak State Institutions, Unremedied Abuse and Distrust. Report from Armenia, Bulgaria, Georgia and Poland Rekosh E. (editor) Budapest: Local Government and Public Service 2005
The World Almanac and Book of Facts Mark S. Hoffmann 1990
The World Bank Primer on Reinsurance McIsaac Donald, Babbel David The World Bank 1995
The World Bank's Partnership with Nongovernmental Organizations The World Bank The World Bank 1996
The World of Cities. Places in Comparative and Historical Perspective Orum A., Chen X. Blackwell Publishing 2003
Think Tank Management Study Visit. CDRom The Institute for Urbane Economics 2005
Think Tanks in a Democratic Society: An Alternative Voice Telgarsky Jeffrey, Ueno Makiko (editors) The UI 1996
Think Tanks in Central and Eastern Europe: A Comprehensive Directory Freedom House 1997
Think Tanks in the Former Soviet Bloc: Meeting Their Potential? Raymond J. Struyk UI 1998
Think Thanks of the World (на яп. языке) Takahiro Suzuki, Makiko Ueno Japan: Simul Press 1993

