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Каталог библиотеки

Названиесортировать по убыванию Автор Издатель Год
Public use of Urban Parks. A Methods Manual for Park Managers and Community Leaders. W. Kornblum, Chris Hayes, Ryan Allen 2001
Public-Private Partnerships. Theory and practice in International Perspective Osborne Stephen P. (editor) New York: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group 2003
Public/Private Partnership: A new Concept for Development. Pre-Publication Draft UN/ECE BOT Expert Group
Publishing the Nonprofit Annual Report. Tips, Traps, and Tricks of the Trade Taylor C. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass 2002
Putin`s Federal Reforms and the Consolidation of Federalism in Russia: one step Forward, Two Steps Back// Communist and Post-Communist Studies. - 2003. - # 36. - 29-47 pp. Ross C. 2003
Putting Gender on the Agenda. A Guide to Participating in UN World Conferences UNIFEM 1995
Putting the Young in Business. Policy Challenges for Youth Entrepreneurship OECD Paris: OECD 2001
Quantifying Lending Risks without Historical Data: An Application of Stress Tests to Mortgage Lending in Russia// Journal of Housing Econumics. - 2001. - February Robert Buckley, Elena Klepikova, Robert Van Order 2001
QuarkXPress 6. Библия пользователя: пер. с англ. Груман Г., Ассади Б. М.: Издат. дом "Вильямс" 2004
Questionnaire on Intention to Participate in the Inter-City Project "Monitoring Indicators of The Urban Real Estate Reform". Kaganova O. 1996

