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Каталог библиотеки

Названиесортировать по убыванию Автор Издатель Год
QuickBooks. Version 5.0 for Windows. User's Guide 1997
Quicken 6 for Windows Intuit 1996
Quicker better cheaper?: managing performance in American government Forsythe Dall W. (editor) The Rockefeller Institute Press 2001
Raitings for Emerging Markers. Conference documentation The Adam Smith Institute 1998
Reaching the poor: lessons from the Chilean housing experience Rojas Eduardo, Greene Margarita Environment&Urbanization, #2 1995
Reading in Program Evaluation to Accompany A Course in Program Evaluation An Outlin Struyk Raymond J. The Urban Institute 2001
Reading in Program Evaluation to Accompany A Course in Program Evaluation An Outlin + CDRom Struyk Raymond J. The Urban Institute
Readings in Planning Theory. Second Edition Campbell S., Fainstein S. Blackwell Publishing 2003
Readings in Urban Theory. Second Edition Fainstein S.S., Campbell S. Blackwell Publishers 2002
Real Estate Banking - Committed to Professionalism. Facts and Figures/ 2007-2008 Association of German Pfandbrief Banks Berlin 2007

