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Каталог библиотеки

Названиесортировать по убыванию Автор Издатель Год
Recomendations on carrying out Social Housing Policy in The City of Naberejny Chelny McGivern 1997
Recomendations on carrying out Social Housing Policy in the city of Novocherkassk(eng,Rus) McGivern 1997
Recommendation on Code of Good Practice in Electoral Matters 2003
Recommendations on Housing Code Inspection and Enforcement for City of Moscow Municipal Housing Inspections Quadel Consulting Corporation 1994
Recommendations to Lenders on Conducting Real-Estate Market Studies That Should Precede the Decision to Extend Construction Loans to Developers Kaganova O. Urban Institute 1995
Recommended Revisions to the Land and Property Taxes of the Russian Federation Lowry The UI 1992
Reconstructing Public Administration after Conflict: Challenges, Practices and Lessons Learned United Nations 2010
Reconstructive Critics. Think Tanks in Post-Soviet Bloc Democracies Raymond J. Struyk The Urban Institute Press 1999
Records Matching as a Technique for Social Research: An Illustrative Case Joe E. Simpson, Maurice D. Van Arsdol, Geordes Sabagh 1965
Reducing Regulatory Barriers to Private-Sector Participation in Latin America's Water and Sanitation Services. Richard Barbara, Trich Thelma The World Bank 1994

