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Каталог библиотеки

Названиесортировать по убыванию Автор Издатель Год
Regional Economic Change in Russia. Economies and Societies in Transition Hanson Philip, Includes Michael (ed.) Cheltenham: Edward Elgar 2000
Regional Economic Development in Eastern Europe: An Example from Poland Struyk R., Cooley S. The UI 2000
Regional Housing Indicators Database in the Transitional Countries of Central and Eastern Europe USAID 1996
Regional Housing Supply Elasicities in England Geofrey Meen The University of Reading 2003
Regional Policy at the Crossroads: European Perspectives Albrechts L., Moulaert F., Roberts P., Swynngedouw E. [edit.] London: Jessica Kingsley Publishers Ltd. 1989
Regional Public Finance and Investment Progect. Final Report USAID 1999
Regional Think Tanks Partnership Program 2 nd Annual Conference. Think Tank Collaboration in Transition Policy Studies. Kranjska Gora, Slovenia, 27-29 June, 2004 2004
Regioonal Economic Development in Eastern Europe: An Example from Poland Struyk R., Cooley S. Budapest 2000
Registration of Real Property Titles in the Russian Federation S.Butler 1996
Registration of Real Property Titles in the Russian Federation. S.Butler 1996

