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Каталог библиотеки

Названиесортировать по убыванию Автор Издатель Год
Residential Real Estate Transactions in the Russian Federation. Sh.O'Leary The UI 1995
Restructuring of Enterprise Social Assets in Russia. Trends, Problems, Possible Solutions Freinkman Lev, Starodubrovskaya Irina The World Bank 1996
Restructuring Russia's Housing Sector: 1991-1997 R. Struyk UI, USAID 1997
Restructuring Russia`s Housing Sector: 1991-1997 Raymond J. Struyk The Urban Institute
Results of Household Survey in Ryazan. Energy Efficiency-Water Efficiency-Retrofits. Guzanova A., Diachenko G. The World Bank 1995
Results of Moscow Longitudinal Survey: Housing and Economic Characteristics. The Moscow Longitudinal Household Survey 1992-1995 L.Lee The UI 1996
Results of Pilot Audit Programs and Implications for the Creation of a Audit System for Targeted Assistance Programs PADCO/USAID 1999
Results of the Feasibility Study on IFC Support to Stimulate Real Estate-Based Lending in Armenia The Urban Institute 1998
Results that Matter: Improving Communities by Engaging Citizens, Measuring Performance, and Getting Things Done Epstein P., Coates P., Wray L., Swain D. Jossey-Bass 2006
Returns to Mobility in the Trrrrransition to a Market Economy//Journal of Comparative Economics. - 1999. - vol. 27. - pp. 4-32 Boeri T., Flinn Ch.J. 1999

