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Каталог библиотеки

Названиесортировать по убыванию Автор Издатель Год
Registration of Rights to Immovable Property in the Republic of Belarus S.Butler the World Bank 1996
Regulating Civil Society. May 1-5, 1996. Budapest ICNL; NIOK ICNL; NIOK 1996
Regulation and Development Laffont Jean-Jacques Cambridge University Press 2005
Regulation and Mobility in a Rental Housing Market. Evidence from Switzerland Schellenbauer Patrik, Maggi Rico Switzerland: University of Zurich 1996
Rejuvenating the Mature Business: the Competitive Challenge Baden-Fuller C., Stopford J. Boston: Harvard Business School Press 1994
Remaining Issues Affecting Mortgage Lending for Commercial Real Estate in the Russian Federation S.Butler Barents Group 1996
Rent Control in Developing Countries. World Bank Discussion Papers #129. Malpezzi Stephen, Gwendolyn Ball The World Bank, Washington, DC 1991
Rental Housing Market and Home Ownership. Two Analyses Voigtlander M., Hofer T. Berlin 2007
Rental Housing. Is there a crisis? Ed. by Weicher J.C., Villani K.E., Roistacher E.A. The Urban Institute
Report of "Colloquium on contribution of the co-operative sector to housing development" confered at Ankara Hilton Hotel, Turkey 27-28 June 2002 UN-HABITAT 2002

