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Каталог библиотеки

Названиесортировать по убыванию Автор Издатель Год
The Changing Structure of the UK Mortgage Market Walker S. The Council of Mortgage Lenders 2002
The City in the Frontier Abrams Charles New York: Harper Colophon Books 1965
The Civil Code of the Russian Federation. Part One. Butler W.E. (translation) London 1994
The Civil Code of the Russian Federation. Part Two 1996
The civil corporation Simon Zadek Earthscan, AccountAbility 2006
The Complete Guide for Mortgage Mathematics with Financial Tables and Lotus Templates. Paul R. Goebel - Norman G. Miller Prentice-Hall 1991
The Consulting Profession in Developing Countries. A Strategy for Development. World Bank Discussion Papers # 149 Kirmani S.S., Baum W.C. Washington, D.C.: The World Bank 1992
The Corrent Status of the U.S. Mortgage Market// Housing Finance International. - 2001. - September. - pp. 3-15 Douglas Duncan 2001
The Creative City. A Toolkit for Urban Innovators Landry Ch. London 2004
The current operation of the bauspar systems in the Czech republic, Hungary, and Slovakia Douglas B. Diamond 1998

