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Каталог библиотеки

Названиесортировать по убыванию Автор Издатель Год
The First Follow Up Survey of Household Attitudes Towards Maintenance Delivery and Quality in the City of Ekaterinburg. April 1996. PADCO, Ekaterinburg 1996
The Fiscal Balance in Canada: The Facts 2003
The Ford Foundation Report spring 1997 The Ford Foundation 1997
The Ford Foundation Report summer/fall 1996 The Ford Foundation 1996
The Ford Foundation Report summer/fall 1997 The Ford Foundation 1997
The Ford Foundation Report winter 1997 The Ford Foundation 1997
The Ford Foundation Report winter 1998 The Ford Foundation 1998
The Ford Foundation Report winter 1999 The Ford Foundation 1999
The Future of Corporate Responsibility Standards AccountAbility Forum London 2004
The Future of Rental Housing Sternleib, Hughes Center for Urban Policy Research 1981

