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Каталог библиотеки

Названиесортировать по убыванию Автор Издатель Год
The Essentials of Risk Management Crouhy M., Galai D., Mark R. McGrow-Hill 2006
The Ethical Codes of Polish Public Officials Prof. Dr. habil. Barbara Kudryeka Local Goverment 1999
The European City Leonardo Benevolo 1993
The Evolving Housing Market in Moscow: Indicators of Housing Reform. J.Daniell , R.Struyk The UI 1995
The Fate of Ethnic Democracy in Post-Communist Europe Smooha S., Jarve P. Budapest: Local Government and Public Service 2005
The feasibility of estimating the demand for residential mortgage credit in Poland. Final report Sally R. Merrill, Rebecca Lawrence The UI, USAID 1999
The Federal Home Loan Banks and Risk Distribution in American Housing Finance// Housing Finance International. - 2001. - September. - pp. 32-36 Alex J. Pollock 2001
The Federal Reserve Bank of Boston Study on Mortgage Lending Revisited Carr J. H., Megbolugbe I. F. Fannie Mae 1993
The Fifth Session of the World Urban Forum. The right to the city: Bridging the Urban Divide. UN Habitat 2011
The Financial System and Public Enterprise Reform. Concepts and Cases Demirguc-Kunt Asli, Levine Ross The World Bank, Policy and Research Department 1994

