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Каталог библиотеки

Названиесортировать по убыванию Автор Издатель Год
Crestwood Heights: A Study of the Culture of Suburban Life John R. Seeley, R. Alexander Sim, E.W. Loosley University of Toronto 1971
Cross-Border Securitisation in the CIS (from Milan) Baker & McKenzie 2003
Crossing the Borders. Collaboration & Competition. Among Nonprofits, Business and Government. Working Papers. Spring Research Forum 1999 Independent Sector Washington D.C. 1999
Crossing the Line: Vagrancy, Homelessness and Social Displacement in Russia Stephenson S. Ashgate Publishing Limited 2006
Cultura Heritage an Urban Age Special Issue. September 1998 1998
Cultural Map of Moscow 2003
Curtin`s California Land Use and Planning Law Curtin Daniel J., Talbert Cecily T. California: Solano Press Books 2003
Customer Service Trading Desk: Trading Your MBS Easily and Profitably Fannie Mae Washington D.C. 1990
Customer Surveys for Agency Managers - what managers need to know Harry P. Hatry, John E. Marcotte, Therese van Houten, Carol H. Weiss The UI 1997
Daedalus: Journal of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. The Conscience of the City American Academy of Arts and Sciences 1968

