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Каталог библиотеки

Названиесортировать по убыванию Автор Издатель Год
Designing Comprehensive Privatization Programs for Cities. 02.1993 (#2) Stainback J. Reason Foundation 1993
Designing New Water Rates for Los Angeles Hanemann Michael W. 1996
Desirable Housing Production Volumes, Prices and Composition for Russia. Medium-Term Scenarios
Determining Funding Values for New Housing Units for the Military Housing Certificate Program (Yaroslavl Oblast) Harold M. Katsura, Peter A. Tatian UI 1994
Deutsche Hypotheken - pfandbriefe und U.S.-amerikanische Deckungwerte Sturner R., Kern Ch. Berlin 2007
Developing a Performance Management System for Local Governments: An Operational Guideline Nayyar-Stone R., Mark K., Cowan J., Hatry H.P. Washington, DC: The Urban Institute 2002
Developing Affordable Housing: A Practical Guide for Nonprofit Organizations Ben L. Hecht John Wiley & Sons 2006
Developing Baseline Gender Indicators and Analysis for Country Program Planning. A Resource Guide Tony Beck CIDA 1995
Developing Community-wide Outcome Indicators for Specific Services. Series on Outcome Management for Nonprofit Organizations The Urban Institute Washington D.C. 2003
Developing Housing for the Workforce: a Toolkit Haughey R.M., Suchman D.R. Washington D.C.: Urban Land Institute 2007

