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Каталог библиотеки

Названиесортировать по убыванию Автор Издатель Год
Draft Report on Neighbourhood Services in Disadvanged Urban Areas and in Areas of Low Population Steering Committee on Local and Regional Demogracy Council of Europe 2000
Draft update of the Sourcebook on Intergovernmental Fiscal Relations in Eastern Europe. The Urban Institute
Draft: Normative Instraction for the Implementation of Nationwide Program of Auditing the Housing Subsidy Program PADCO/USAID 1997
Drafting Association Rules. Guide for Association Practitioners. CAI 1995
Drinking Water: Financing and Management ICMA 1994
Dynamics of Housing Privatization in Moscow C.Romanik, R.Struyk The UI 1996
Dynamics of Office Markets. Empirical Findings and Research Issues. Clapp John M. The Urban Institute Press, Washington, D.C. 1993
E Pluribus Unum. Очерки современного федерализма Захаров А. М.: Московская школа политических исследований 2003
East European Municipal Credit Seminar. June 7-10, 1994 in Budapest, Hungary. Conference Proceedings and Analysis. Peterson George, Pigey Juliana H. The UI 1994
Economic and Social Reform in Russia: A European-Russian Dialogue, Mosow, 11-12 Sep. 1998 Russian European Centre for Economic Policy RECEP 1998

