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Каталог библиотеки

Названиесортировать по убыванию Автор Издатель Год
Developing Metropolitan Transportation Policies: a guide for local leadership CED 1965
Developing Residential Martgage Markets in The Russian Federation. Discussion Draft The World Bank, Infrastructure and Energy Department M. 2003
Development & Developers: Perspectives on Property Guy S., Henneberry J. Blackwell Publishing 2002
Development of Housing Finance in Visegrad Countries. Ivanicka Koloman, Zubkova Maria, Sindlerova Eva, Spikova Daniela Slovak Technical University 1996
Development of the Market for New Housing in Seven Cities of the Russian Federation in 1993 Kaganova O.Z. The UI 1995
Devoluation and Globalisation. Implications for Local Decision-Makers OECD Paris: OECD 2001
Diagnosis Corruption. Fraud in Latin America`s Public Hospitals Di Tella R., Savedoff W.D. Washington, D.C. 2001
Dialogue. Vol. 2. 1969. №1. The Urban Explosion ed. by Nathan Glick 1969
Dialogue. Vol. 4. 1971. №4. New Towns, Old Cities ed. by Nathan Glick 1971
Dialogues. The Second World Urban Forum, September 13-17, 2004. United National Human Settlement Programme UI-HABITAT 2004

