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Каталог библиотеки

Названиесортировать по убыванию Автор Издатель Год
Federal Law "On Mortgage (pledge of real estate) State Dume The UI 1997
Federal National Mortgage Association Charter Act. As amended through October 28, 1992 Fannie Mae 1992
Federalism and Democratisation in Russia Ross C. (editor) New York: Manchester University Press 2002
Federalism and Local Governance: The US Experience. July 29 - August 2. 2002. Washington, DC The Urban Institute 2002
Federalism and State-Building: Post-Communist and Post-Colonial Perspectives Steven L. Solnick
Feminism in our time. The Essential Writings, World War to the Present ed. by Miriam Schneier Vintage Books, A Division of Random House 1994
Feminist Research Network Working Paper № 3. Feminism and Science Kirsten G. Hansen, Inge Henningsen Feminist Research Network 1993
Feminist Research Network. Newsletter. Volume 3. Spring 1994 Gender-Nature-Culture 1994
Field Network Studies// Policy into Action. Implementation Research and Welfare Reform Lurie I. Washington D.C.: The Urban Institute Press 2004
Fighting Poverty in the USA and Europe. A World Difference Aleaina A., Glaeser E. Oxford: University Press 2005

