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Каталог библиотеки

Названиесортировать по убыванию Автор Издатель Год
Financial Sector Capacity Development Program 2005-2006. CDRom World Bank Institute The World Bank 2005
Financial Sector Learning Program 2003-2004 The World Bank The World Bank 2003
Financial Sector Reform in Transitional Socialist Economies. Roe Alan Economic Development Institute of the World Bank 1992
Financial Shock: A 360 degree Look at the Subprime Mortgage Implosion, and How to Avoid the Next Financial Crisis Mark Zandi Pearson Education 2009
Financing for Development. Proposals from Business and Civil Society Herman B., Pietracci F., Sharma K. The United Nations University Press 2001
Financing Urban Infrastructure in Russia: Guidelines for Multi-Year Municipal Borrowing. Robert E.Firestine, A.Novikov, I.Dmitrieva, A.Kopeikin, V.Marfitsin The UI, RTI 1997
Financing Urban Infrastructure in Russia: Practical Approaches to Multy-Year Municipal Borrowing. Robert E.Firestine The UI/Research Triangle Institute, Moscow 1996
Finding Out What Happens to Former Clients. Series on Outcome Management for Nonprofit Organizations The Urban Institute Washington D.C. 2003
First Things First. Meeting Basic Human Needs in Developing Countries The World Bank 1981
Fiscal Administration: analysis and Applications for the Public Sector John L. Mikesell Books/Cole Publishing Company 1991

