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Каталог библиотеки

Названиесортировать по убыванию Автор Издатель Год
Fiscal Decentralization and Soft Budget Constraints Timofeev Andrei M.: Economics Education and Research Consortium 2002
Fiscal decentralization in Estonia Tarvo Kungla Open Society Institute 1999
Fiscal Decentralization. Intergovernmental Relations in Russia. Wallich Christine I. The World Bank 1992
Fiscal Incentives for Investment and Innovation Shah A. (editor) Washington, D.C. 1995
Fiscal Management in Russia. Le Houerou Philippe The World Bank 1996
Fiscal Policy Issues During the Transition in Russia Lopez-Clapez A., Alexashenko S.V. Washington DC: International Monetary Fund 1998
Fiscal Reform in Low-Income, Countries: Experience Under IMF - Supported Programs Abed George T. Washington DC: International Monetary Fund 1998
Five Years after Rio Innovations in Environmental Policy The World Bank The World Bank 1997
Fixed Income Mathematics. Analytical & Statistical Techniques Frank J. Fabozzi Chicago: IRWIN 1993
Flash 8 и ActionScript. Только практика. Библиотека пользователя Гурский Д., Гурский Ю. СПб.: Питер 2006

