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Каталог библиотеки

Названиесортировать по убыванию Автор Издатель Год
General Srevicing Fundamentals Fannie Mae Washington D.C. 1993
Georgia in Figures State Department for Statistics of Georgia 1996
German Mortgage Banks W. Goedecke, V. Kerl, H. Scholz Frankfurt am Main 1998
Getting Funded. A complete Guide to Proposal Writing. Third Edition Hall Mary S. Portland 1988
Getting Your Best MBS Execution with Loan-Level Buyups and Buydowns Fannie Mae Washington D.C. 1994
Girls: Challenging the World. A United Nations leaflet for secondary-school students UNDPI 1995
Global City Regions. Their emerging forms Roger Simmonds, Gary Hack Spon Press 2000
Global Civil Society: Dimensions of the Nonprofit Sector Salamon L.M., Sokolowski S.W. Bloomfield: Kumarian Press, Inc. 2004
Global Sourcing 2010 Accenture 2006
Globalization and the World of Large Cities Lo F., Yeung Y. United Nations University Press 1998

