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Каталог библиотеки

Названиесортировать по убыванию Автор Издатель Год
Globalization for Development. Trade, Finance, Aid, Migration, and Policy Goldin I., Reinert K. Washington D.C.: The World Bak 2005
Glocalization: Time - Space and Homogeneity - Heterogeneity Robertson Roland 2001
Go/ No Go: a Hands-On Guide to Successful Real Estate Development, Building Construction, and Renovation from Concept through Completion Noe Mark Sonoma: Remark Publishing 2001
Good Practices and Innovations in Public Governance United Nations 2009
Governance and Economic Development: Change and Challenges// International Journal of Public Administration. - Oct. - Vol. 24. - p. 1005 Kuotsai Tom Liou International Journal of Public Administration 2001
Governance and Population: The Governmental Implications of Population Change The Commission on Population Growth and the American Future Washington D.C. 1972
Governing Cities in a Global Era: Urban Innovation, Competition, and Democratic Reform Robin Hambleton, Jill Simone Gross Palgrave Macmillan 2007
Governing the City. Challenges and Options for New York Connery Robert H., Caraley Demetrios (editors) New York: The Academy of Political Science 1969
Government of the Metropolis. Selected readings Zimmerman J.F. Holt, Rinehart and Winston, Inc. 1968
Graphis Design Annual 2005 Graphis Inc. 2004

