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Каталог библиотеки

Названиесортировать по убыванию Автор Издатель Год
Guide to Grantseeking on the Web The Foundation Centre 1998
Guide to Municipal Water Tariff Reform in the NIS Kiev-Paris-Moscow 2002
Guide to Program Outcome Measurement for U.S. Department of Education Hatry H. P., Kopczynski M. Urban Institute 1998
Guide to Proposal Writing. Revised edition Jane C. Geever, Patricia McNeill The Foundation Centre 1997
Guidelines for Designing Programs for Raising Rents and Implementing Housing Allowances in Russian Republics and Municipalities J.Daniell, A.Puzanov, R.Struyk The UI 1992
Guidelines for Municipal Officials in Setting Water and Heat Tariffs. M. Cooney, D. Antonova, A. Schegolev UI 1998
Guidelines on Condominium Ownership of Housing for Countries in Transition Economic Commission for Europe M. 2003
Guidelines on Social Housing. Principles and Examples Economic Commission for Europe Geneva 2006
Guides to Doing Business in Azerbaijan, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Russia, Turkmenistan, Ukraine and Uzbekistan. CDRom Baker & McKenzie 2002
Habitat Housing Indicator: Empirical Study of Chains of Moves in Pйcs, Szolnok Esztergom World Bank Budapest 1993

