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Названиесортировать по убыванию Автор Издатель Год
Homeownership and Housing Finance Policy in the Former Soviet Bloc. Costly Populism Struyk R. J., ed. The UI 2000
Horizonti. The magazine for the third sector in Georgia. № 7 Tbilisi 1999
Horizonti. The magazine for the third sector in Georgia. № 8 Tbilisi 1999
Hotels and Motels: A Guide to Market Analysis, Investment Analysis, and Valuations. Rushmore Stephen, MAI Appraisal Institute, Chicago 1992
Household Survey in Ryazan. Energy Efficiency-Water Efficiency-Retrofits. Variable Description for SPSS. Guzanova A., Diachenko G. The World Bank 1995
Household Survey in Vladimir and Volkhov. Energy Efficiency-Water Efficiency-Retrofits. Variable Description for SPSS. Guzanova A., Diachenko G. The World Bank 1995
Household Surveys in Moscow: 1992-1995. Moscovites Speak about their Houses. 1995
Household welfare in the Fergana Valley, Uzbekistan. Preliminary results from a pilot household survey Kalpana Mehra, Mansoora Rashid ECSHD; The WB 2000
Housing Meeks Carol B. N.J.: Prentice-Hall, Inc. 1980
Housing - A Reader Commirree on Banking, Finance and Urban Affaires 1983

