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Каталог библиотеки

Названиесортировать по убыванию Автор Издатель Год
Housing : Expectations and Realities. Critical Issues in Urban Management Arthur D. Little
Housing Affordability in Russia C.Romanik The UI 1995
Housing Allowance Design: An Evaluation for Slovakia (Draft) The Urban Institute 1996
Housing Allowance Program Monitoring Manual. Quadel Consulting Corporation, Rizor The UI 1995
Housing Allowance Program. Income Verification Procedure Manual. Holcomb, Puzanov The UI 1995
Housing Allowances in the US under Section 8 and in Other Countries: A Canadian Perspective// Urban Studies. - 2001. - # 1. - P. 81-103 Steele Marion 2001
Housing America. Learning from the Past. Planning for the Future. Housing Policy Seminars Turner Margery, Reed Veronica The UI 1990
Housing and Communal Services in Russia: Completing the Transition to a Market Economy. Final Report The World Bank The World Bank 2003
Housing and Housing Policy in the Nordic Countries Lujanen V. (editor) Copenhagen 2004
Housing and Planning in Human Settlements in the Czech Republic Ministry for Regional Development 2004

