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Ensuring you are hiring qualified research staff: Guarding against CV padding
There are indications of CV padding being a significant problem, including for positions requiring graduate degrees. Although statistically reliable evidence is absent, a few examples of documented misrepresentation suggest its breadth. A survey conducted by, a position-candidate matching firm, found almost 60 percent of nearly 2,200 hiring managers had caught a job... more
The City to Live in: Launching the Redevelopment of Dilapidated Residential Areas
The IUE issued a publication on the outcomes of the project “The City to Live in: Launching the Redevelopment of Dilapidated Residential Areas” implemented in 2016 and funded through the IUE Endowment. The project became the result of the combined efforts of the experts of the Real Estate Market Department: E. Trutnev, Scientific Adviser; T. Polidi, IUE Executive Director and Head of the... more
Multifamily housing construction in Russia: supply elasticity and competition
Housing unaffordability and unavailability are major socio-economic problems in modern Russia, and result from market failure to provide a sufficient volume of new housing at reasonable prices. About 29% of new newly constructed housing units are self-build single-family houses produced outside the market. Professional builders are specialized mainly in constructing multifamily houses, generally... more
The development of apartment-market in Russia as the example of weak urban planning policy
The authors of the article identify the legal issues arising because of the apartment-market development in Russia. The article describes the apartment-market, including performance indicators of the scope of proposal in the primary housing market in apartment buildings and apartments in Moscow-city; the volume distribution of apartments proposal on administrative districts of Moscow-city, the... more
Strategy of Development of Housing and Public Utilities does not draw the lines till 2020
Not long ago the Government of the Russian Federation has finally approved the Strategy of development of housing and public utilities until 2020 (Strategy). We remind that in the course of public discussions the draft of this document was exposed to harsh criticism. It is worth noting that a number of suggestions of experts were reflected in the final version of the document. In particular, the... more
A study on the consistency between housing and urban planning policies
Russian cities have been substantially influenced by the legacy of the Soviet centrally planned economy. Monotonous concrete-slab developments in residential areas with inadequate access to social infrastructure, along with dilapidated and obsolete individual residential developments, and abandoned industrial areas, create a typical scene of the middle zone of an urban... more
Urban poverty in Russia and social assistance to the urban poor
In 2003, 62.7% of Russia's population lived in urban areas. That high level of urbanization has an ambiguous effect on citizens' welfare during periods of economic transfor mation, and, unlike in other Eastern European countries, urban poverty in Russia is no less problematic than rural poverty. Thus, according to data from the 10th round of the Russian Longitudinal Monitoring Survey (RLMS... more
The effectiveness of local government active labor programs: the case of benefits-to-wages program in Russia
Economists have devoted considerable attention to analyzing labor markets in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE). Topics of interest have included labor mobility, shifts in the returns to education resulting from the rationalization of the labor market during the restructuring, the efficiency of labor markets in reemploying workers unemployed in the process of economic restructuring, and the success... more