For international organizations
- Regional and comparative cross-country research in the fields of urban development, local government, reforms in housing and utility sectors in countries with economies in transition
- Assistance to state authorities and local governments of transition economies and to international development agencies in improvement of legislative regulation of housing and utility sectors, implementation of projects on increase of efficiency of municipal economy
For state authorities and local governments
- Design and expertise of national strategies, conceptions, draft regulatory acts in the field of housing policy, housing and utility sector development, town-planning and land-use issues, municipal socio-economic development of cities and metropolitan areas
- Designing and expertise of regional conceptions, investment strategies, regional programs for socio-economic development of territories, including the territories of urban metropolitans, for housing construction, capital repairs and modernization of multi-apartment buildings, formation of investment climate in utilities sector, housing and real estate market development, housing policy, creation of a comfortable urban environment, including that for low-mobility people, support of company towns
- Designing and expertise of conceptions, strategies, socio-economic development programs of cities and metropolitan areas
- Comprehensive of the situation in the sphere of municipal socio-economic and urban development assessment
- Financial, economic and town-planning modeling of urban and metropolitan areas spatial development, as well as projects and programmes for the built-up areas redevelopment
- Elaborating schemes for attracting investments to improve urban environment quality, site development, infrastructure development of territories
- Elaboration of recommendations for improving the real estate taxation system at the local level, including those, focused on land use efficiency
- Development of mechanisms for supporting capital repairs and enhancing energy efficiency of the multi-apartment buildings
- Mechanisms involving civil society institutions in the development and implementation of programmes and projects aimed at the improvement and creation of a comfortable urban environment
For business community
- Assessment of the regional or local socio-economic situation and the investment potential of the territories belonging to the sphere of interests of companies
- Structuring investment projects for the construction of communal and public infrastructure objects on the basis of various forms of partnership (PPPs, concessions, lifecycle contracts)
- Elaboration of organizational, town-planning, economic and legal project concepts for the built-up areas redevelopment and greenfield development, and the creation of new settlements
- Development of investment programs and tariff applications of utility companies, resource supply contracts, management of multi-apartment buildings with energy service elements
- Crafting business geography expansion strategies for development companies
For non-profit, societal, academic and educational organizations
- Information support on major issues of reforms in housing and utility sectors of the economy, development of urban planning
- Assistance to homeowners in organizing management in the multi-apartment buildings, implementation of energy efficient modernization
- Training programs on the multi-apartment building management, the organization and conduct of public hearings
2017 year was characterized by the implementation of many other interesting IUE projects such as creating comfortable urban environment, including that in particular during the renovation of the Moscow housing stock, providing loans for capital repairs of multiapartment buildings, improving the housing management regulation and responsibility for the technical condition of capital construction facilities put into operation.
Cities and metropolitan areas
Urban development and a new model of urban policy (Customer: Center for Strategic Research)
Drafting proposals for a new urban policy model and its financial support (Customer: Center for Strategic Research)
Ranking of Russia’s cities and metropolitan areas. IUE’s technique for estimating GMP – Gross Metropolitan Product (Within IUE Endowment)
Preparing a set of indicators for assessing the development of metropolitan areas (Within IUE Endowment)
Evaluation methodology and rating metropolitan areas in quality of planning and development management (Within IUE Endowment)
Improving the quality of urban governance based on the use of spontaneous data (Customer: Federal Center for Project Financing, OJSC)
Housing policy, housing and utility services
Improving the legislation on sharedequity construction (Within IUE Endowment)
The New Urban Economy and Housing Policy. Rental housing (Within IUE Endowment)
Recommendations for stimulating demand and supply in residential development market and for improving housing affordability (Within IUE Endowment)
Improving the legislation on town planning activities and real estate market regulation, on rental market development, on housing savings cooperatives (Within IUE Endowment)
Proposals relating to priority component of strategic development of the Russian Federation – “Mortgage and Rental Housing” (Within IUE Endowment)
Streamlining administrative procedures that regulate connections of newly built objects to gas-, heat-, water- and wastewater systems, regulating the procedures for connection to utility systems and for provision of utility services (Within IUE Endowment)
Expert assessment of and proposals for Housing and Utility Services development by way of encouraging competition between management companies and developing concession schemes (Within IUE Endowment)
Multi-apartment buildings management
Models of loans for capital repairs of multi-apartment buildings (Within IUE Endowment)
Draft laws on improving management of common property and on the establishment of the ‘collective owner’ institution (Within IUE Endowment)
Study of residential buildings, adjacent and yard territories maintenance in the cities of the Russian Federation (Customer: LLC Strelka KB)
Drafting a professional reference guide for a state housing inspector (Customer: The State Housing Inspection Agency of Moscow)
A guide “Major overhaul in multi-unit residential buildings: owners’ decisions and actions” (Within the subsidy of the Moscow City Committee for Public Relation)
On-line "Guide for consumerd of housing and utility services (Within IUE Endowment)
Conceptual approaches to transforming the system of homeowners' associations (Within IUE Endowment)
Promoting a model for regional support of lending options for major overhaul in multi-unit residential buildings (Within IUE Endowment)
Improving the regulations for reconfiguration of premises in multi-unit residential buildings (Within IUE Endowment)
Recommendations for legislative changes aiming at revising the provisions on major overhaul of common property in multi-unit residential buildings and also for organizing solid waste collection and disposal (Within IUE Endowment)
Recommendations for improving the legislative regulation of administrative responsibility on the part of homeowners associations and housing construction cooperatives (Within IUE Endowment)
Analysis of Russian and foreign experience in attracting investment in the utilities sector of small municipalities (IUE Endowment)
Proposals on strengthening financial responsibility of construction projects participants for inherent defects in buildings and structures (Customer: Department of Urban Development Policy of Moscow)
Built-up territories development of Russia’s small towns and mediumsized cities (Customer: Ministry of Construction, Housing and Utilities of the Russian Federation)
Structuring of Regulatory Agreement on water supply and sanitation of the city of Nerungri, Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) (Customer: European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD)
Executing the Framework Agreement on water supply and sanitation of the city of Kant, Kyrgyz Republic (Customer: “Marketing Service” LLC /Kyrgyz Republic, the city of Kant/ within project of EBRD)
The concept of housing provision and guidelines for creation of settlements in the Far East (Customer: Agency for the Development of Human Capital in the Far East)
Assessing public accessibility of information to the benefit of investors - Rating of water and wastewater public utilities (Within IUE Endowment)
Development and redevelopment
Study of foreign experience in redevelopment: law and economic (Within IUE Endowment)
The financial and economic model of the experimental site ‘Vernadsky Prospekt’ renovation within the framework of the Moscow housing stock renovation programme (Customer: LLC Architectural bureau ‘Ostozhenka’)
The concept of balanced territory development in Naberezhnye Chelny, Russia (Customer: LLC Managing Company ‘Talan’)
The concept of improving legal regulation of the system of architectural and structural engineering as a way to improve the quality of urban planning processes (Customer: Department of Urban Planning Policy of the City of Moscow)
"The city to live in". Launching the Redevelopment of Dilapidated Residential Areas (Within IUE Endowment)
Recommendations for revising town planning policy of Moscow with due account for apartment market development, regulation of legal relations in the context of comprehensive development of industrial estates, installing communications and utilities lines (Within IUE Endowment)
Comfortable urban environment
Drafting proposals based on the foreign experience analysis to improve the environment for low-mobility people (Customer: JSC Research Center of Construction)
Preparation of legislative proposals to improve site development regulation (Within IUE Endowment)
Developing a barrier-free built environment for people with limited mobility (Within IUE Endowment)
Proposals with regard to making amendments to the Town Planning Code of RF as these relate to setting the environment beautification requirements (Within IUE Endowment)
Proposals relating to priority component of strategic development of the Russian Federation – “Urban Environment and Housing and Utility Services” (Within IUE Endowment)
Municipal management
Methodology for determining inter-settlement territories and territories with low population density (Within IUE Endowment)
Modern approaches to organization of strategic planning (IUE Endowment)
Project expertise of the Strategy of socio-economic development of the city of Norilsk till 2030 (Customer: The city of Norilsk Administration)
Development of social support system in housing and utilities sector in Kazakhstan (Customer: Metropolitan Research Institute (Hungary) within project of EBRD)
Increased transparency of municipal governance “Open Municipality” (Within IUE Endowment)
Proposals relating to priority component of strategic development of the Russian Federation – “Single-Industry Towns” (Within IUE Endowment)
The IUE Endowment was established in 2013. Formation of the IUE Endowment became a landmark event for us. It has been used for to finance our research programs, as well as activities related to designing analytical, methodological and legal support components required for implementation of new mechanisms in the housing, utility, town planning and other areas. The IUE Endowment is under trust management of VTB Capital asset Management.
In 2017 the IUE staff conducted expert support of activities of the Presidential Council on Housing Policy and Improving Housing Affordability, preparation of analytical reports and expert notes, draft legislation in the area of housing policy, housing and utility sector development, complex development of territories of Russian cities, local governance issues.
Grantors and donors (1995-2017)
Agency for Housing Mortgage Lending (AHML)
CharitiesAid Foundation, СAF/Russia
Committee for public relations of the city of Moscow
Eurasia Foundation
Foundation for Russian-American Economic Cooperation, Seattle, USA
Ford Foundation
International Research & Exchanges Board, IREX
Liberal mission Foundation
Moscow public science Foundation
Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation
Noncommercial foundation — Institute of socio-economic and political researches, ISEPR Foundation
NORC company
Open Society Institute, OSI
Public organization «Institute of for Civil Society Problems»
Sberbank of Russia
Standard and Poor's InternationalServices, Inc.
State Corporation "Bank for Development and Foreign Economic Affairs (Vnesheconombank)"
The New Eurasia Foundation
The United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE)
United States Agency for International Development, USAID / Central Asian Republics
United States Agency for International Development, USAID/Russia
United States Environmental Protection Agency, EPA
Presidential Grants for Civil Society Development Foundation
For more information, please, contact:
![]() Mikhail S. Ballod
![]() Sergei A. Vassiliev
![]() Andey Yu. Suchkov
![]() Alexander S. Puzanov
![]() Nadezhda B. Kosareva
![]() Galina N. Golenkova
We highly appreciate the support provided to IUE by all our colleagues and friends and value very much their loyalty and dedication!