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New tendencies in management of urban agglomerations development in Russia

Roman A. Popov

In the analytical note there is considered the current state of views on the issue of management of urban agglomerations in the Russian society. 

There is noted an evolution of senior officials’ views on this issue: there are already few of them who consider this issue to be resolved by administrative integration of municipal entities. At the same time there are kept the rudiments of the previous mechanic approach to which the author attributes taking decision on  territorial expansion of Moscow into the Moscow region in 2011 and a number of last alterations in the federal legislation increase the risk of  reappearance of this approach.  

Development of an action plan on “Development of Agglomerations in the Russian Federation” by the Government of the Russian Federation is considered to be a sign of a move in the right direction but the first steps of the plan implementation partially contradict the principles laid down in it. At the present moment its performance is stalled by a number of reasons. At the same time there are observed signs of transferring the “center of gravity” in solution of agglomeration problems from the federal center to the federal subjects and municipal entities.

New tendencies in management of urban agglomerations development in Russia (in russian, pdf, 223 Кб)

