On February 12, 2018, the Institute for Urban Economics (IUE) held a round table 'The Modern Urban Development Mythology', with participation of urban development experts who were offered a couple of questions: Did our urban and agglomeration development concept always correspond to the actual processes? Do the analytics, business, government bodies have enough data to carry out research and make decisions on urban and agglomeration development? Are cross-country comparisons of cities and agglomerations always been correct? What new information channels can be used for better understanding and forecasting of processes in cities and agglomerations?
Athours: Puzanov Alekandr S., CEO of the Institute for Urban Economics; Lifanova Alya V., Director of the Center for Public Relations of the Institute for Urban Economics.
Keywords: territory management, city, local self-government, agglomerations, development indices, stimulation of development, municipal economy.
MUNICIPAL PROPERTY: economics, law, management No. 2 / 2018 (rus)