The St. Petersburg International Economic Forum 2017 (SPIEF 17) was held on June 1-3 in the host city. N. Kosareva, IUE President, participated in the event.
N. Kosareva noted that this year “in addition to the thematic issues that [the SPIEF] traditionally addresses, a lot of interest was shown in the new topics of urban development”. The topics were the focus of several roundtables including such as “Capitalizing on the Modern Era of Urbanization” and “The Economy of 1,000 Cities”. “It is important to note that during the discussion the issues of housing construction, beautification of the urban environment, and also housing and utilities issues, have been considered in relation to urban environment as a whole and to the objective of using cities as drivers of economic growth”, commented N. Kosareva.
N. Kosareva, as the head of a non-profit think tank dealing with urban economic issues, presented her views at a panel session on “The Role of the Third Sector in Russia’s Socioeconomic Development”. This issue was first brought into the agenda of such a representative forum.